This time of year is a convergence of several traditions, Xmas, Hanukah and Kwanzaa, that I know of. Maybe there are others.
The blessing is that though our world often appears fractured, still, we sync up for a few days and devote our hearts to sharing the light of peace and hope.
I took a photograph of the basket weaver you see above during my travels in India, and then painted her a year later. I'll always remember the look in her eyes, the sounds and smells of the market, the chasm of life-experience that separated us, and the split second that united us.
She sits perched in my Spokane dining room, ever the reminder that souls can touch for an instant and it can paint your heart for eternity.
However you are spending these holidays....
I wish you loving encounters that warm your heart and calm your mind.
I wish you sweet exchanges that sprinkle hope and appreciation randomly in your awareness. I wish you sparkles of meaningful connection that shine glimmers of light on your todays and tomorrows.
Happy Holidays and thank you for being in my world and contributing to all the above for me.