Work In Progress
20 x 24
Acrylic Mixed Media on Canvas
Almost the end of January and I'm feeling settled in back home on the beach. After only a few weeks I'm happy to say that I've flowed back into my life here pretty seamlessly. As I've shared in previous posts, it's not always that easy to get re-oriented and find my stride. I'm savoring this (unusual for me) ease back into my art practice after 2 months off from painting while traveling in Patagonia.
My current art crush, the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, has been a great inspiration. I found her through the Art Oracles deck. Gifted to me by Gale, an old friend of mine from my years in British Columbia, the deck is a fun way to inspire creativity. Kusama's art and drive have been eye opening for me. Her meditative and playful use of pattern, (often dots), and her passion for the power of love remind me that one small voice can be a mighty roar!
At the same time, I also love free abstract creativity that reflects spontaneous emotion. Abstract expressionists like Lee Krasner and Helen Frankenthaler come to mind, and my artist friend Blake Hellman who's recently launched her own Youtube channel.
A lot of my work, especially my tree paintings, are a combination of both the styles I mentioned above.
The backgrounds, the first few layers, are a free dance of expressive chaos, sometimes poured, sometimes painted. Then come the tree shapes, which are a more deliberate application exploring elements of composition and design. I use paint, pencils, markers, stencils and collage very specifically and thoughtfully to reach an aesthetic balance. In these pieces I'm seeking a playful combination of shapes and patterns that draw you ever deeper into each woodland fantasy.
Hopefully my mish mash of opposing styles finding a happy co-existence inspires you to embrace what may seem as conflicting parts of yourself.
So that's what's sparking my creative fire these days! I hope you found something here to light and fan yours!
P.S. You can catch some of my Tree paintings in Spokane until I get back this May at the New Leaf Cafe in the YWCA building on Monroe, the Offices of the Spokane Lands Council on Main St above the Saranac gallery, and New Moon Art Gallery on East Sprague.